Forum Solomon Islands International. Photo: SIBC.

Forum Solomon Islands International. Photo: SIBC.

The National Government has welcomed the outcome of the public forum organised by Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) yesterday and will look forward to receiving the resolutions and providing the necessary clarification.

A government statement today says Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavareand the entire DCCG Caucus welcomed the queries raised by FSII to discuss government decisions, which were described as controversial and will await the presentation of resolutions reached before offering further clarification on matters raised.

The statement says while there are a number of significant issues which have been overlooked that require national unity and public attention, the government is aware of the concerns raised and will consider the resolutions and respond to them in a timely and informative manner.

Meanwhile, responding to the Opposition’s call on the Prime Minister to convene parliament immediately, the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet said Prime Minister Sogavare will call to conveneParliament at a time DCCG deems appropriate.

The statement adds, DCCG is willing to facilitate the relevant information in consultation and dialogue through regular Government channels of communication should there be issues to raise.

It said to address issues of public interest and achieve progressive development, it is vital to set aside differences and focus more on developing the country.

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