Signs of a Heavy Rain Warning. Photo credit: www.northernlife.ca

Signs of a Heavy Rain Warning. Photo credit: www.northernlife.ca

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services has upgraded its Heavy Rain Alert to a Heavy Rain Warning.

The Heavy Rain Warning Number One was issued by the Met Office at 15 minutes past five this evening.

The Met Office says a Heavy Rain Warning is current for Choiseul, Western, Isabel, Malaita, and Guadalcanal Provinces.

It says the warning was due to a Low pressure system which lies over Solomon Islands and slowly moving.

Associated clouds with rain and thunderstorms are expected to affect the Solomon Islands.

Meanwhile, the Met Office said people living close to rivers, streams and low-lying areas are strongly advised to take precautionary measures because of flash flooding or flooding which may pose a danger to lives and property.

It adds Motorists are also advised to use extreme caution when travelling in these areas and never attempt to cross rivers and large streams of unknown depth.

The next update will be issued at 7am tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile Director of Meteorology, David Hiriasia says a low-pressure system with an associated trough is currently lying over Solomon Islands.

Mr Hiriasia told SIBC News in an interview today the system is causing bad weather in the country at the moment.

He says they are expecting a depression which will also develop within the area of the low pressure during this week.

He adds because of this rainfall and strong wind, there will be strong winds and heavy rain in the Northern part of Solomon Islands.

“We are expecting a depression to also develop within that area of low pressure during the week and because of that strong winds and rainfall will be expected in the Northern parts of the Solomon Islands so currently the Met Service continues to issue heavy rain alerts for provinces like Choiseul, Western, Isabel and Malaita especially the Malaita Outer Islands.”

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