Honiara declared “Emergency zone”

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare has declared Honiara as an emergency zone as he made a nationwide address today.

Prime Minister Sogavare has made the order following the declaration of the state of public emergency yesterday by the Governor-General His Excellency Sir David Vunagi.

The Prime Minister says, in accordance with a new Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Regulations 2020 the government gazetted this morning, Honiara emergency zone is from Alligator Creek in the East Honiara to Poha in the western end of Honiara.

He says this means the temporary closure of various pubs within the city.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare clarifies, this exempts church gatherings in the city this weekend, allowing Christians to seek the divine intervention of God in our fight against COVID-19

SIBC News understands, Honiara City Council early this week ordered the closure of all illegal markets within the city except for Honiara Central Market.

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