
Inside the Honiara public library. Photo credit: tauranga.kete.net.nz

The Public Library in Honiara has recently been landscaped with the aim of creating a more user-friendly space for reading and studying.

Honiara City’s Works Division Richard Jones said they have done some soft landscaping involving plants and hard landscaping involving footpaths and benches around the library.

He said they have also fixed the roof gutters and down pipes into the water tank for plant watering purposes and improve the entrance access ramp to the library compound.

Mr. Jones added, they have also installed locks on the doors for security purposes and installed new chairs for students and chairs and tables in the children’s section of the library.

The fence between the library and the public toilet will soon be taken down for the public to have access for convenient purposes.

The works have been funded through the New Zealand Aid Programme Support to the Council.

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