Isabel women’s council highlights development, social issues


Casper Fa’asala of the National Council of Women. Photo credit: Radio Australia.

Village needs, human trafficking and marriage were among the topics raised at a meeting of the Isabel Provincial Council of Women in Buala this week.

Sixteen female representatives from across Isabel and provincial government officials attended the three-day conference.

Acting General Secretary of the Solomon Islands National Council of Women Casper Fa’asala said delegates were taught to use a social mapping exercise to create profiles of their villages and identify needs.

That information can be used to recommend projects and programs to Isabel government authorities, Mr Fa’asala said.

In a speech during the conference, Provincial Minister for Community Development, Hon. Joshua Laumana, praised the council for making meaningful contributions to socioeconomic development in the province.

Council representatives discussed issues they say affect their lives and families, including human trafficking and land disputes in Isabel.

Representatives also recommended that the National Council of Women request a review of the marriage act through the Ministry of Home Affairs.

According to Mr Fa’asala, feedback from the conference will drive the work of the council.

“They have now set four key priority areas to drive developing their strategies,” Mr Fa’asala said. “They have now elected a new executive council of the Isabel Provincial Council of Women.”

Newly elected representatives will serve the Isabel Provincial Council of Women for the next two years.

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