Landowners rally behind curt order to oust logging company. Photo: SI Commerce

Landowners rally behind court order to oust logging company. Photo: SI Commerce

Landowners in West Rennell, rallying behind a court order to keep a Malaysian logging company out of their island, have questioned why the Police has not responded to their request to have the company arrested for breaching the order.

Jonathan Tohuika told SIBC News last week, a 2012 High Court Order restrains Samlinsan from entering Tehakamagoku Land in West Rennell for the purpose of removing or hauling logs already felled.

Mr Tohuika says the court order also restrains Samlinsan servants and agents from carrying out any activities, including felling trees and constructing roads, in Tehakamagoku Land.

He however says, Samlinsan is back in their land despite the court order and their complaints to have the company’s owner arrested for breaching the court order is falling on the deaf ears of the police.

The spokesperson for West Rennell landowners says he questions the police and why they have not arrested Samlinsan operators after a high court order restraining them from operating in their land.

SIBC News understands Mr Tohuika voiced his concern following claims another logging company had subleased its activities to Samlinsan.

Meanwhile, Junior Pau of Samlinsan says claims that the company is operating in Tehakamagoku Land in West Rennell is not true.

Speaking to SIBC News this afternoon, Junior Pau says Samlinsan stopped operating in Tehakamagoku after receiving the high court order.

Mr Pau also denied that another logging company had subleased its activities to Samlinsan.

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