Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare speaking at the 38th Independence Anniversary. Photo credit: SIBC.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare speaking at the 38th Independence Anniversary. Photo credit: SIBC.

“We cannot talk about achieving real and lasting peace in Solomon Islands until we make our profession of Christianity real and meaningful in our lives, not only professing it.”

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare made this statement during the recent 38th Independence Anniversary celebrations in Honiara.

He said lasting peace can only be achieved if all professing Christians in the country are serious about their lives, adding this is a challenge to people in leadership positions.

“We cannot talk about achieving real and lasting peace in Solomon Islands until we Solomon Islanders make our profession of Christianity real and meaningful in our lives, not only professing it. This is a challenge to all of us and more specifically people in leadership positions in government, commerce and in our villages throughout the country. On other words, in our local context an absence of peace whether in the individual life, the home, the village, the community, the neighbourhood, the island, the province or the country as a whole shows that the mind is in disarray or disorder.”

He adds the person who is at peace with him or herself would live peacefully with everyone around them.

“The person who is at peace with him or herself is also able to live in peace with everyone around them. To embrace peace, therefore, is to accept the Prince of Peace that is what our churches have been saying and it about time we take note.”

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