Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock billboard. Photo credit: Island Sun online.

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock billboard. Photo credit: Island Sun online.

A group of local farmers in Fiu, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Province are calling on responsible authorities to speed up payments for their destroyed food gardens.

Their food gardens were destroyed by the Taiwanese Technical Farm, based on an agreement between the farmers, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the Ministry of Lands; that they would be compensated for their gardens.

But a Steve Gwaoramo who spoke on behalf of the farmers told SIBC News, it has been a year and still there’s no payment.

He says they have been informed by agriculture officers in Auki that payments have been raised.

“And to make it worse, often times we call in at the Agriculture office at Auki to get clear information as to what happened regarding our food gardens and agriculture officers here in Auki told us that a cheque is already with the Ministry of Finance, but up till now we have waited and nothing happens and we are beginning to question what caused the delay.”

He calls on the responsible authorities to speed up the payments as gardens are their only means to survive.

“And as a farmer myself where my garden has also been destroyed, I call upon the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands to speed up the payment process. Since our gardens were destroyed we don’t have anywhere to start new gardens and the ones destroyed were our only source of food as well as source of income for school fees for our children.”

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