Inside the Parliament Chamber of Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Radio Australia.

Inside the Parliament Chamber of Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Radio Australia.

A man from Small Malaita has called for the strengthening of political party system to ensure political stability.

A secondary school teacher by profession, Ishmael Ou’ou said political parties were formed since Solomon Islands gained independence 30 years ago but are very weak.

He said stronger political parties are needed in the country where electors vote in a party instead of individuals.

Mr. Ou’ou says a political party system has its own advantages.

“Suppose we elected a party it will be good for us. Coalition governments were formed because we are not electing parties and their differences would always affect us the electorates. Party system is much better, and it is working for countries around the world. Australia has a party system as well as other countries in the world. We need to put our act together and vote for a political party in the coming elections this year.”

The secondary school teacher said he is supportive of the idea behind introducing a political party integrity bill in parliament.

SIBC News understands Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has announced he will re-introduce the Political Parties Integrity Bill in the next parliament seating this April.

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