Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele and Member of Parliament for Hograno Kia Havulei. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele and Member of Parliament for Hograno Kia Havulei. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

Hograno, Kia, Havulei Constituents have witnessed the groundbreaking ceremony of their Housing scheme project over the weekend.

The Constituency’s Member of Parliament, Hon. Jeremiah Manele last Friday kicked off his Housing Scheme Flagship Project, which saw the groundbreaking in Hograno and the announcement of 40 new two-bedroom houses to be built for families in the constituency this year.

A statement from the Office of the Leader of Opposition today says apart from the 40 new homes, the MP will also assist in upgrading and completion of 20 existing homes for families this year.

It says this is just the beginning of major changes planned by the MP for his constituency.

The Opposition Leader also plans to roll out the housing project in Kia and other Wards beginning August this year.

Meanwhile, the statement quoted Mr Manele as saying other community and income generating projects will also be implemented in the next three and half years, according to the Constituency’s Development Plan.

He says better permanent, durable homes for families are what the people of Hograno, Kia, Havulei Constituency need as it contributes to improving their living standards.

Funds for the Housing Scheme project are made available by the SIG Constituency Livelihood Funds.

The statement says this year the constituency will spend almost $2 million on its housing scheme.

It adds, as part of this project, the constituency will meet the hardware as families will meet sawn timber as part of their project contribution.

Hon. Manele said the project is ongoing as plans are to build 80 to100 homes per year for families in his constituency in the next three years.

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