Manufacturing Industry Working Group established


The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) recently established its Manufacturing Industry Working Group (MIWG).

The Working group is Chaired by Mr Kazi Mushfiqur Rahma, General Manager of Solomon Islands Tobacco Company Ltd (SITCO).

It comprises of identified stakeholders and will advocate on issues affecting domestic manufacturing industries and identify potential ways forward on key issues.

The MIWG Subcommittee was established following a resolution by the SICCI Board in March this year.

This is in accordance with Clause 18.1 (k) of the SICCI Constitution, convened their first meeting on Friday 26 June 2020 in Honiara.

MIWG aims to provide a platform for informed expert discussions on harmonizing administration, compliance on measures to be considered by the Government and its partners.

Currently, meetings for the MIWG will happen on a fortnightly basis.

“This will ensure that local companies are not disadvantaged and local jobs are protected and will be a resource for Government and development partners to draw on when advancing and implementing policies impacting on the manufacturing industry in Solomon” SICCI Advocacy Officer, Mr John Ta’amora, said.

The Next meeting one scheduled for Friday 10 July, 2020.

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