SIBC North Malaita stringer John Andrew Kiri. Photo credit: SIBC.

SIBC North Malaita stringer John Andrew Kiri. Photo credit: SIBC.

Road users in North Malaita have questioned the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) why it fails to repair two damaged bridges in the region since last year.

Kwai and Taba’a Bridges were badly destroyed and unserviceable – a direct impact of continuous heavy flooding caused by Cyclone Pam and Raquel last year, disrupting transport services.

Our Correspondent, Mr John Andrew Kiri sends this reports.

“Kwai and Taba’a bridges in ward 10 and nine were damaged since cyclone Pam and Raquel last year and it has been a year and no one has bothered to fix them.”

Mr Kiri reports, the travelling public calls on MID to be attentive to their issue.

“People are calling on MID to quickly fix the bridges so that services in the region could return to normal.”

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