Minister Choylin Douglas attends 7th Culture Ministers Meeting ahead of FestPAC

Minister Choylin Douglas attends 7th Culture Ministers Meeting ahead of FestPAC


Solomon Islands first-ever female Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon. Choylin Douglas is representing the Government at the 7th Pacific Ministers for Culture Meeting this week ahead of the opening of Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC) in Hawaii.

Minister Douglas expressed her gratitude to the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the host Government of the State of Hawaii for hosting the Pacific Ministers for Culture as the region strives to be at the forefront of cultural development in our beloved region.

She commended the SPC for formulating the Pacific Regional Cultural Strategies (PRCS) and reviewing FESTPAC in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and for SPCs continual service to our region.

Minister Douglas informed the meeting of Solomon Islands commitment to the development and strengthening of Pacific Cultures, Arts and Heritage in light of ongoing pressures by modernity and external influences on Pacific cultures.

“I assure you of the Solomon Islands’ dedication to the development and strengthening of Pacific cultures, art, and heritage in the coming years,” Mrs Douglas said.

She highlighted that in Solomon Islands, culture is the cornerstone of our society.

“It shapes our values, traditions, and ways of life. Our dances, music, art, and oral histories are not merely expressions of creativity but are vital links to our ancestors and our past. They inform who we are and guide us towards a future that respects and honors these traditions,” She added.

Solomon Islands through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is committed to fulfilling its national, regional, and international obligations for the arts and cultural sectors.

At the national level, the Government is committed to reviewing the National Cultural Policy Framework, launched in 2013, to align it with the Pacific Regional Cultural Strategy (2020-2030), passing the Traditional Knowledge Expressions of Culture (TKEC) law in Parliament to protect traditional knowledge and cultural expressions from exploitation, stablishing the Intellectual Property (IP) Law to safeguard artists and their creations and stablishing the National Arts Council of the Solomon Islands to promote and harness the creative and cultural industries.

At the regional level, the Government is committed to working closely with regional partners, including SPC and MSG, to enhance cooperation and improve the arts and cultural sectors in the region.

At the international level the Government is committed to Ratifying two UNESCO Conventions including the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, and the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

Additionally, as a member of the International Federation for Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA), the Government is committed to fulfilling its obligations.

“I am optimistic that our discussions and decisions will significantly support the growth and strengthening of the arts and cultural sectors in our region,”

The Minister’s delegation is expected witness the FestPAC opening ceremony on June 6.


-GCU Press Release 

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