MMF questioned Abana over constituency tractors. Photo: SIBC

MMF questioned Abana over constituency tractors. Photo: SIBC

The Malaita Ma’asina Forum has questioned the Member of Parliament for Fataleka over the delay on the delivery of the two tractors meant for East and West Fataleka since 2011.

This follows queries from the East and West Fataleka people.

MMF President Charles Dausabea said, according to retrieved documents, freights for the two tractors worth 47 thousand dollars have already been paid to MV Kidron in 2011.

“The tractor that came out very clear where the MP for Fataleka is answerable to, or they are taking a civil case on it, according to documents acquired by Ma’asina, the MP’s CDO has already collected the freight of the two tractors, the sum of 47-thousand dollars, but there’s no tractor as yet in East and West Fataleka. This is where the argument broke  out, as the Good book said Be sure you sins will find you out. The tractors, according to  2011 acquittals, I had the cheque number and all documents proving that they should already be in Auki, shipped via the vessel Kidron”, he said.

Dausabea adds such issues should be investigated properly by the police.

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