MRD monitoring team in East Guadalcanal to assess CDF projects
A team of three officers from the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has left Honiara today (Monday 13 March) to conduct an assessment and verification on the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) funded projects in East Guadalcanal Constituency (EGC).
The one-week monitoring activity will run from 13th – 18th March 2023.
The team is led by the Principal Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Timoly Carter, accompanied by Principal Communication & Public Relations Officer Andrew Fanasia Jr and Data Officer Margery Pitatamae along with the Constituency Development Officer (CDO) Dale Tati.
The monitoring team will visit most of the 2020 and 2021 CDF-funded projects and interview project beneficiaries to get their views on how CDF transformed their lives.
More so, the MRD Communications Officer will cover some of the stories of CDF-funded projects that impacted and change the lives of the ordinary rural people in EGC.
Constituency monitoring of CDF projects is part of the MRD’s ongoing activity on CDF-funded projects being implemented within the 50 constituencies.
M&E team leader Ms Carter said relevant data and information collected will support the ministry in its responsibility to assess project status and the impact the fund (CDF) have on the lives of constituents.
“Not only is the data collected important, but gathering evidence on the ground by officers that constituencies utilized the funds for its intended purpose is paramount,” she added.
Ms Carter also stated that the team will also use the opportunity to conduct awareness on the reforms that the ministry is undertaking as well as the roles and mandates of MRD and how they collaborate with their Constituency Office to implement such needed services in EGC.
CDFs are allocations of public funds provided to Constituencies to support rural development initiatives as per constituency development priorities.
According to the Solomon Islands Constituency Development Fund Act 2013 (s.5) ‘funds may be allocated for development purposes to individuals, group income-generating projects, or community projects.’
MRD is fully committed to see that all rural Solomon Islanders become meaningfully participated in development activities to improve their social and economic livelihoods.
MRD Communications and Public Relations Unit will bring more stories on the activity in the coming days.
Minister for the Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification Honourable Bradley Tovosia is the current MP for East Guadalcanal Constituency.