Mua’s trial set for January


Member of Parliament for Savo/Russells the Honourable Dickson Mua.

Former member of parliament for Savo/Russells, Dickson Mua will go on trial on January 21 for allegedly misusing 3-million dollars in funds from government’s shipping grant initiative.

Mr Mua appeared before the  yesterday Honiara Magistrates court for a pre-trial conference, on one charge of conversion.

He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The prosecution alleges that Mr Mua did not buy a ship as stipulated by the grant.

Eleven witnesses are scheduled to appear in the trial which will run from 21 January to 31 January.

Mr Mua is also expected to take the stand, in his defence.

The prosecution will prepare exhibitions for the trial by January 8.

Mr Mua was arrested by police on October 31 for the alleged incident which occurred in 2013.


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