High Court completes election petitions


The High Court of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The High Court has concluded hearing the 15 petitions lodged after the 2014 National General Elections.

Only two of the petitions were successful.

The first successful petition was filed by former Prime Minister and MP for Gizo-Kolombangara Gordon Darcy Lilo, who won his challenge against Jimson Tanangada.

The other successful petition was against the MP for Temotu-Vatud, Freda Tuki Comua. It was the final petition and was concluded only in October this year.

Six of the petitions were dismissed.

These include the petitions against the former MP for West Kwara’ae Sam Iduri, former MP for Kia-Havulei and Hograno Jeremiah Manele, former MP for Ngella Bartholomew Parapolo, former MP for East Makira Alfred Ghiro, former MP for Fataleka Steve Abana, and former MP for North Vella La Vella Milner Tozaka.

Three petitions were withdrawn. These include the petitions against the former MP for North-West Guadalcanal Bodo Dettke, former MP for West Kwara’ae Sam Iduri and former MP for South New Georgia Rendova-Tetepare, Danny Philip.

Two petitions were struck out. These were against the former MP for Temotu-Nende Commins Mewa and former MP and Caretaker Minister for Infrastructure Development Stanley Sofu.

The petition against the former MP for East Are’are Andrew Manepora’a was discontinued, while the petition against the former MP for Temotu-Pele Dudley Kopu was ‘stayed’.

According to the new electoral Act, election petitions must be heard within 12 months after election.



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