The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The New Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIPF) Commissioner Frank Prendergast has confirmed that there is no open case against him in Australia.

Mr Prendegast made the comment while answering questions from local journalists following allegations against him in Australia.

Earlier the Malaita Ma’asina Forum has claimed, there is a case against Commissioner Prendergast in Australia on the issue relating to the Christmas Island incident.

But speaking to local journalists today the new Police Commissioner, says he is aware of the issues raised against him but so far there is no case against him in Australia, admitting however that there were some allegations against him 13 months ago, which were referred to appropriate authorities, but no further action was needed to take against him.”

“Well I’m aware of the issues that are being raised and I can say quite bluntly that there is no open case in Australia against me. There has never been a criminal case against me, there is no open investigation against me. There was some allegations raised over 13 months ago, which were referred to the appropriate authorities. I asked that they be referred and were looked into as they should be and there was no action needed to be taken. As far as I’m concerned those matters are finished and I’m really looking forward to the future.”

Meanwhile, the New Royal Solomon Islands Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast , says his appointment as Police Commissioner means a lot to him.

He says he will work very hard and use all his professional and personal experience to do the best he can as Police Commissioner.

Mr. Prendergast adds, his philosophy is impartiality and law abiding.

“My philosophy around policing is about impartiality, it’s about acting in accordance with the law, it’s about being responsive to the community and those are the sort of principles I’ll bring to it. I like everyone else need to be accountable and I like everyone else need to be disciplined and I will try and show the right example and that I will be holding up high standards for my police force.”

Mr Prendergast adds the future of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force is very bright if they work hard,despite challenges.

“The future of the RSIPF is very bright if we work hard. We have some real challenges, let’s be honest, there’s some good things and there’s some things that need improvement and if we work hard on the things that need improving and I’ve mentioned discipline and I’ve mentioned accountability, I’ve mentioned other things such as the backer house or what I call the institutional framework of the RSIPF. If we work hard on those, the future of the RSIPF is very bright.”

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