Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

Nine male suspects have been arrested in relation to an arson incident at Marau in the Weather Coast area of Guadalcanal.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast confirmed the arrests.

He says ten semi-permanent homes were burned to the ground.

“There’s a total of I think 10 semi-permanent dwelling houses burned to the ground and police have arrested a large number of male suspects in relation to that activity. They’ll appear in court in Honiara at a later date and Spink can give you the actual details of those issues, but again a very concerning behaviour. It’s not a good thing to be happening in the community. We thank the people who assisted us with those arrests and we’ll make sure that with those type of issues we’re responding appropriately and dealing appropriately with the individuals involved.”

SIBC News understands police investigations are continuing.

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