Corpse of girl discovered in swamp, Police question two men


A dead body of a seven year old girl that went missing last week was found with wounds inside a swamp in Kolombangara Island, Western province, alleged to have been a victim of a brutal rape.

Police question two men over suspicious death of girl

Reports reaching SIBC News had it that the deceased, a Sausepe Primary School student in North Kolombngara was walking home from school on Thursday 14 October, 2021 when she went missing and a search was conducted. 

In a statement, Police confirmed that two suspects are currently being questioned in relation to this ‘suspicious death’.

“According to initial reports, the deceased told her elder siblings on their way home after school as they walked together that she was hungry. So, she started running ahead of them to quickly reach home,” the Provincial Police Commander (PPC) for Western Province Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu said. 

PPC Lenialu said when her siblings arrived home they did not see her, that is when they alerted their parents, and a search was then conducted.   

“A day passed with no sign of her till the next day on 16 October 2021. As the search continued they managed to found only her school bag containing her slippers and school uniform hidden within the root of a tree,” PPC Lenialu adds. 

He said the body was finally discovered inside a creek on 18 October 2021. Her arms were submerged in the swamp and it was in a state of decomposition.  A wound was seen on her shoulder and bruises on her thighs when the corpse was retrieved from the swamp. 

Police officers at Ringi and Poitete attended the scene with a doctor and confirmed that the body found was lifeless.

Police say investigation into this matter continues to make sure responsible people face justice for their actions.

The Police also urge parents to look out for their little ones and always take extra care, especially for females who have been the victim in such sad incidents. 

Police say children at this age cannot fight for themselves and adults should always accompany them wherever they go.

“My heart ached so much knowing how hard it must have been for you to fight until your last breath,” a relative of the deceased posted on social media.

The relative said “our communities are not safe today because of the behaviour of some men.” 

by Jared Koli


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