Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

The Parliamentary Opposition has described the Democratic Coalition for Change Government’s (DCCG) policy document as very ambitious and unrealistic given the timeframe and our financial capability.

Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele said if the document is going to be closely linked to the annual budget for the next four years, DCCG needs to further explain to this country how exactly it will foot the estimated annual budget of SBD$5 billion to implement its policies and work programs given the current state of our economy and the limited capacity of Government ministries to implement the projects and programs.

Mr Manele says with the 1 percent or less projected economic growth for 2015 and 2016, it will be impossible to sustain such as a budget.

He said given the state of our economy, the DCCG really needs to prioritize among its priorities and should not continue to raise expectations that would be difficult to fulfil.

Mr Manele said DCCG should work on a few major transformational projects at a time especially those on Malaita, rather than spreading our limited resources thinly across many projects.

He however congratulates DCCG for the successful launching of its policy strategies and translation document on the 27th of last month.

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