Opposition Leader meeting Dame Meg Taylor yesterday. Photo credit: Office of the Leader of Opposition.

Opposition Leader meeting Dame Meg Taylor yesterday. Photo credit: Office of the Leader of the Opposition.

Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition Jeremiah Manele has yesterday met with Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretary General Dame Meg Taylor.

During the meeting, Dame Meg briefed the Leader of the Opposition on the preparations of the PIF leaders meeting to be held in Papua New Guinea, September this year.

She says, her visit is to call on PIF member states to inform and outline regional issues that will be discussed during the leaders meeting.

Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele says issues raised by Dame Meg are of concern to the region as it has been a challenge also for Solomon Islands.

Mr Manele says, the issue of connectivity is vital especially when there is no adequate infrastructure such as port and shipping services for outside markets.

He adds there has been a lot of talk on sustainable development but without the establishment of the necessary Energy Infrastructure; development cannot happen.

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