Prime Minister's political appointee John Dominic described Dr Sikua's claims as "nonsense". Photo: CJB Investment Holdings

Prime Minister’s political appointee John Dominic described Dr Sikua’s claims as “nonsense”. Photo: CJB Investment Holdings

A political appointee of the Prime Minister, John Dominic has described concerns from the Opposition over the Prime Minister’s visits to the Rove Police Headquarters as ‘total nonsense’.

Opposition Leader Dr. Derek Sikua had previously accused the Prime Minister of making too many visits to the Rove Police Headquarters, saying it gives the public a wrong impression, when there are police cases against him.

But in a press statement from the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet today, the political appointee said the concerns are “totally nonsense”.

Mr. Dominic also accused the Opposition Leader of making noises to score a political point against the Prime Minister, saying he should have brought his claims of police cases against the Prime Minister to their attention.

The political appointee also said protocol requires the Prime Minister is accorded a guard of honour on his first visit out of Honiara at the beginning of each New Year – hence the Police Band that travelled with him during his constituency visit.

Mr. Dominic said Mr. Lilo’s status as Prime Minister takes higher precedence than his status as MP of Gizo-Kolombangara and being accorded a guard of honour is a normal practice accorded to any Prime Minister.

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