Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Police Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has commended the public for its continued good behavior and has again called for public cooperation, ahead of tomorrow’s General Elections.

Frank Prendergast made this call in a special appeal message broadcast over SIBC today.

In his message, the Police Commissioner also said he was encouraged to see continued good behaviour and cooperation with police while campaigning today.

Mr Prendergast also reminded candidates and their supporters that campaign floats should end by 6pm this evening.

“I just like to thank the public for their continued good behavior and cooperation with police during the campaigning today. All respective campaigning camps particularly in Honiara with the floats have behave very well and I think it’s been encouraging to see such vibrant democracy at work. We expect that the floats will conclude by 6pm tonight as there’s no authority for the floats past 6pm tonight, permissions were up till 6pm and clearly there’s no permissions for flights tomorrow or through counting.”

The Police Commissioner also appealed for continued good behaviour and cooperation throughout polling day tomorrow and the counting period.

Mr Prendergast also said electoral laws in relation to polling day will be enforced by the police.

“As I said we’re very pleased with the behaviour of people during the last stages of campaigning and we asked that that good behaviour and cooperation continue right through polling day tomorrow and through counting after that, and again just reminding people that there’s provisions of the Electoral Act around displaying cards, symbols or favor or other emblems within 50 yards or person making public address indicating support for a particular candidate or a political party within 200 yards of a polling booth are in force and police will enforce them.”

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