The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force are concerned about recent reports of sexual assault committed by unknown taxi drivers on school children in Honiara.

Revealing this to local media last Thursday, Police Commissioner Frank Prendercast says the sexual Assault Unit of RSIPF has received reports on certain taxi drivers committing the offences after picking up and dropping off school children at their schools.

Commissioner Prendercast says it is important that all parents in Honiara prioritizes safety of their children at all times.

Mr Prendercast adds while police believe most taxi drivers are law abiding citizens, he calls on the general public of Honiara to report
such issues to the police immediately.

“Our Police Sexual Assult Unit are greatly concerned and disturbed after receiving reports of school children being harassed and molested by unknown taxi drivers after they’re being picked up and dropped off at their respective schools. We call on all parents to pay attention to this issue and ensure that the safety of their children is a priority. We also recognise that the vast majority of taxi drivers are good law abiding citizens but where people see this type behavior we’d like them to contact the police as soon as possible.”

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