Prisoner mistakenly released early from Rove, recaptured

A prison compound. Photo:

An inmate at the Rove Correctional Centre who was discharged early last month due to the miscalculation of his release date has returned to the facility.

Reports obtained by SIBC News revealed that the male prisoner was supposed to be released next year.

According to the Correctional Services of Solomon Islands, Deputy Commissioner Operations William Aheia mounted an operation with Tetere correctional officers last week to recapture the released prisoner.

He was located at his home village in east Guadalcanal and willingly returned to the Rove facility to serve the remainder of his sentence.

In a statement, CSSI Commissioner Francis Haisoma said the early release of the prisoner was the result of “human error”.

“CCSI have policies and procedures in place for discharge of prisoners,” the statement said. “The prisoner was release[d] early due to wrong calculation of his release date.”

In the statement, Mr Haisoma apologised for the mistake and said investigations into the matter are being conducted.

By Charlie Salini

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