Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force is again calling for respect from the public during the process of electing a new Prime Minister.

Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast made the call during his media conference in Honiara today.

Commissioner Prendergast says, he is calling on people to act with good behaviour towards the process of electing a new Prime Minister.

“We’re asking people to respect the process and to continue the very good behaviour we’ve seen in Honiara and the rest of the country in the lead up to this event. It’s been really tremendously gratifying from a police point of view to see the real cooperation and collaboration with the public on this issue of security.”

Meanwhile, the Police Commissioner says he is confident that the Police is prepared to deal with any issue that may arise during the election of the Prime Minister.

“Having said that, we are preparing to deal with any issues that come up and we will be prepared to deal with any issues that have come up.”

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