An urban renewal program providing training and employment opportunities in Honiara, the Solomon Islands. Photo credit: World Bank.

An urban renewal program providing training and employment opportunities in Honiara, the Solomon Islands. Photo credit: World Bank.

The extension of the Rapid Employment Project (REP) will see more project implementation in Honiara.

The World Bank recently approved an additional $1.5 million grant to extend REP in Solomon Islands to December 2016.

REP Manager Salvador Jiao told SIBC News, the extension period will allow the continuation of road improvement and maintenance schemes, works and services as well as pre-employment training in Honiara.

“So the extension period with the additional money will allow us to continue with the three components. The first one will be under the road improvement and maintenance scheme to be implemented by MID and then the second will be under the HCC, which is the continuation of works and services including street cleaning and the construction of footpaths and Jacob’s ladders and then the other one is also the extension of the pre-employment training.”

Mr Jiao said the project is hoping to receive more regional assistance in the future.

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