Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

                                              Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

The Premier of Malaita Province, Peter Chanel Ramohia has called for support from the people of Malaita province to engage in solutions to address issues currently faced by the province.

Premier Ramohia was referring to issues relating to what was termed as ‘illegal borrowing’ by his government.

In an interview with SIBC News, Mr. Ramohia said he is optimistic his government will address the current situation and move the province forward.

But this needs helping hands from the Provincial Assembly Members and the people of Malaita province.

“I call on my people in the province to support their government so that we can move forward and get out of the situation in which we are entangled and I am optimistic that with the renewed effort and energy from the team and with assurance showed during the motion, we can move forward and out of our current situation.”

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