RAMSI Special Coordinator Justine Braithwaite. Photo credit: SIBC.

RAMSI Special Coordinator Justine Braithwaite. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, RAMSI, has turned eleven years, in its mandated role under the Pacific Islands Forum to restore law and order, and strengthen governance in the Solomon Islands.

Speaking to officially mark RAMSI’s 11th anniversary at the Breakwater Cafe in Honiara today, Special Coordinator Justine Braithwaite said the mission has also evolved during its transition.

“RAMSI too have evolved in recognition of these changing landscape. In its early years as you know the mission focused on arresting militants, on removing weapons from communities and on restoring law and orders. In its following stabilization phase RAMSI worked with the Solomon Islands Government to get the government and the public service functioning again to build the economy and to improve service delivery. One year ago RAMSI completed its transition process.”

The Special Coordinator also says despite experiencing uncharted waters in the transition phase, RAMSI with the Solomon Islands Government and the Australian High Commission have worked very hard to ensure a smooth RAMSI transition.

“But RAMSI, the Solomon Islands Government and the Australian High Commission worked very hard to ensure that the transition process proceeded smoothly. And as a result on 1st July last year the mission’s military component left Solomon Islands and RAMSI’s civilian development programmes in economic and public sector governance and law and justice shifted across to the Australian Aid Programme and to other aid donors, and this brings us to the new shape of RAMSI today as a regional police mission focused on strengthening the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.”

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