Heavy rain warning for Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

Heavy rain warning for Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The recent bad weather has destroyed three dwelling houses, six kitchens and a Church building at Okowala Primary school, Malaita Province.

Head of school, Albert Maesulia told SIBC News heavy rain and strong winds destroyed the buildings.

“Three dwelling homes have been destroyed along with six kitchens which needs full repair at the moment and the church building I reported and the weather condition at the moment is not so clear as well, so that people can move freely to their routines.

Meanwhile, Marovo communities in Western province have lost eight houses to cyclone Raquel last week.

Relaying reports, a Steven Sala said, in Chubikopi, a semi-permanent house was buried by landslide while Sasahana village lost a total of six houses.

“The village we actually visited yesterday to assist them with a few supplies, a home was totally covered by the landslide while another close by has also been partially destroyed. We couldn’t get to another village near by yesterday but reports reaching me yesterday said about six homes were destroyed.”

Mr Sala calls on church and responsible authorities to help assist those affected by the recent cyclone.

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