A workshop on how to effectively coordinate tropical cyclone warnings in the Pacific begins today in Honiara.
Representatives from Weather stations around the Pacific are attending the weeklong workshop.
Henry Taiki who works with World Meteorology and a regional participant at the workshop says they will focus on how to forecast tropical cyclones and send out coordinated warnings within the Pacific.
“It’s very important to help us in coordination especially for small island states through Fiji which will disseminate warnings to them and then we can also be able to coordinate with other countries in terms of their warnings, so that’s the discussions for this week especially discussing ways in which we can be able to coordinate in terms of tropical cyclones in the Pacific.”
Mr. Taiki says another important issue for them this week is to choose names for the tropical cyclones, an exercise that happens after every two years.
“The names of tropical cyclones are developed every two years and the group is responsible for developing cyclone names and also developing an operational tropical cyclone coordination plan for the pacific region and in that plan is a list of cyclone names identified and listed by the group.”