Jeremy Harrison Minister responsible for Tourism, Saskatchewan. Photo credit: SIBC.

Jeremy Harrison Minister responsible for Tourism, Saskatchewan. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Corporate Director of Airlines Hotels in Saskatchewan, Canada has said they have four hotels in Saskatchewan and are very interested in the potential of the new labour mobility program recently signed by the International Training and Education Corp. (CITREC) over the weekend.

Corporate Director Airlines Jason Hobbis said it is important to Airlines Hotels that they work with all groups involved to fill vacancies and always welcome ways in which they can find people in an expedited way.

Meanwhile, Deputy Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Hon. Rollen Selleso said this is a great opportunity for the People of Guadalcanal Province.

The agreement made possible by CITREC partnership is going to further strengthen the bilateral relationship between Canada, particularly the government and people of Saskatchewan province.

The Deputy Premier adds, the education partnership between his province and CITREC has helped Guadalcanal province prepare job-ready candidates for Saskatchewan’s Tourism and Hospitality sector.

SIBC News understands, the Hotel and Hospitality Association in Saskatchewan, Canada had entered into an agreement with Guadalcanal province to facilitate workers to work in Canada’s tourism industry.


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