Busy traffic in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

Busy traffic in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

A professional school teacher, Georgiana Sogote’e has called on responsible authorities to quickly address the issue of short bus routes, saying it is tampering with the country’s future leaders.

Mrs Sogote’e says students are the most affected getting to school, despite getting up early in the morning.

She told SIBC News the amount of time a student spends at a bus stand waiting for a bus is the same amount of lessons he or she is missing out on and this is worrying.

“If a student attends school at St. John, for instance, and he or she resides say at Gilbert Camp. This student will have to get up early as half past five in the morning, have breakfast and then walk down to wait for the bus. The bus he or she catches will not end up at his or her destination but will only stop at Town Council and return. So the student will have to wait for another bus to get to school. By that waiting the student could miss few of his or her subjects, which is my concern.”

The school teacher said responsible authorities must act quickly to address this situation.

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