The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) has clarified that nominations submitted by public servants before the issue of the public service circular will still be valid.

A circular memorandum was issued on the 26th of February which reminds public servants that under general orders, all public servants are to remain apolitical and to not involve in election activities, including nominations.

Speaking during a radio talk back show at SIBC yesterday, SIEC Legal Officer, George Mali says, nominations submitted by public officers now will not be allowed except those submitted before the issue of the circular.

“Now if you are an intending candidate and you and your nominator goes to any of the nomination centers, you will be advised by our officers that if your nominator is a public officer, he/she will be restricted to submit their nominations.”

“For public servants who submitted their nominations before the circular was issued, your nominations will not be invalidated. It will still go through,” said Mr. Mali.

SIEC Legal Officer, George Mali.

Mr. Mali also explains that the electoral act and the constitution does not specifically outline the restriction of public officers when it comes to nominations.

He said it is however included in the General Orders.

“It is important for public servants to take note of this as it has its repercussions in terms of the employing Ministry’s and the officers.”

SIBC News understands, under Chapter C 501 of the General Orders, officers are encouraged to exercise their right to vote, but are also prohibited to actively participate in politics.

In the circular sighted by SIBC, apart from restrictions on nominations, public servants have also been advised not to speak, broadcast, or ask questions in political matters, not write letters to the press or publish publications giving their views on political matters, not to collect funds in support of political candidates, not to sponsor or support candidates for election, and to not take part in the management of any political organizations.


By Eliza Kukutu

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