How the back of the new Voter's ID Card looks. Photo: SIBC.

How the back of the new Voter’s ID Card looks. Photo: SIBC.

A concerned Honiara citizen, Constantine Hako, says the ongoing vote buying news is frustrating.

Speaking to SIBC News today, Mr Hako says vote buying used by many intending candidates to lure support is wrong.

Mr Hako warns vote buying is a sure way of electing wrong people into Parliament.

“If I vote because of my fare to go home and because of a bag of rice or other goods like just maybe a carton of noodle, it costs a person or myself to cast my ballot paper and at the end I realise that these practices will always end up putting the wrong person in Parliament.”

Meanwhile, Mr Hako says a control measure would be, the Electoral Commission assist working people in urban centres to vote for their constituency’s candidate in Honiara while rural people remain and vote in their constituency rather than travelling to Honiara for registration only to face up with the vote buying influence.

“People who are registering at home should vote at home and only those who are employed in Honiara or other provinces whom are in Honiara can do their voting here in Honiara.”

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