Solomon Airlines welcomes Govt decision to remove 72-hour advance PCR Requirement for travellers to SI


Solomon Airlines has welcomed the Solomon Islands Government decision to remove the mandatory 72-hour  Covid-19 PCR test requirement for international visitors, prior to entering the country. 

Passengers of the first flight that arrived on July 1 when the border reopened

The airline’s Chief Executive Officer Mr Gus Kraus said the decision is timely, given the current status and evolving phase of the pandemic and now that Solomon Islands international borders are open. 

“Solomon Islands has been rightly cautious in the interests of public health, however this is an evidence-based decision and  we now join most countries in our region, and around the world who have now lifted these requirements for entry.

“It is the right decision at the right time and will help Solomon Islands to move forward again, as we start to steadily rebuild  our tourism industry,” he said. 

Solomon Airlines Chief Executive Officer Gus Kraus speaking to the local media during a media conference

Travellers to the Solomon Islands who are not citizens of Solomon Islands, must be fully vaccinated and show proof of  complete vaccination against Covid-19.  

Solomon Islands Nationals who are fully vaccinated, must also show proof of complete vaccination upon entry to the country.  

Solomon Islands Nationals who are unvaccinated are able to return to Solomon Islands, but will still be required to show proof of a negative PCR test 72-hours prior to arrival in Solomon Islands. 


Solomon Airlines statement

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