Solomon Island Calls for Completion of Paris Agreement Rule Book at COP26


The Solomon Islands delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP26) will push for the completion of the Paris Agreement rule book.

Head of delegation, Chanel Iroi confirmed this to SIBC News from Glasgow in an interview this afternoon.

Lord Howe Islands

One of the priorities is the rule book of the operational guidelines of the Paris Agreement. This is one of the Key negotiating agenda here in Glasgow. It was not completed in COP25 in Madrid two years ago so it is important the rule book must be completed here,” Mr Iroi said. 

 Mr Iroi said once approved, the rule book will allow the implementation of actions outlined in the Paris Agreement. 

The Paris Agreement saw all parties agreeing to it however to implement the agreement that’s another issue that’s why the COP26 is important to make a decision so we can operationalize or implement the Paris Agreement on the ground,” Mr Iroi said. 

Mr Iroi said they will be negotiating to have countries with big greenhouse emitters to reduce their carbon dioxide levels. 

He added the current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of 2.5 beyond the 1.5 degrees under the Paris Agreement is not enough. 

In the recent census of the NDC countries’ offer of 2.5-degree is way beyond the 1.5-degree global target which, we the island and least developing countries are calling for.”    

Industrialized countries need to take drastic and immediate actions in reducing their greenhouse as small islands are facing the impacts of climate change. 

Mr Iroi said science has shown that immediate actions need to be taken in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

The country’s climate change office confirmed that sea level rise in Solomon Islands is 3 times higher than the global prediction last year.

As of 1993, sea level has risen by an average of 8 millimeters per annum. 

The global climate change conference started on the 31st of October and will conclude on the 12th of November 2021. 

By Sharon Nanau

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