Solomon Islands delegation in Glasgow for COP26 with seven key positions


A small delegation of key Solomon Islands Government technical negotiators are now in Glasgow, United Kingdom for the 26th United Nation Climate Change summit (COP26).


MECDM PS Dr Melckior Mataki at the COP23 in Bonn, Germany in 2017

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), Dr Melckior Mataki confirmed to SIBC News that the delegation will be taking to the discussion table seven key positions through negotiation groups.

“Given the tight financial situation, we are utilising the three sponsored slots from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and three sponsored delegates by the Government of Australia,” Dr Mataki said.

The three technical negotiators are from MECDM, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Infrastructure Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade.

Dr Mataki said as a Least Developed Country (LDC) and a Small Island Developing State that is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts, voicing the country’s issues and key positions through negotiation groups such as the LDC group and Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) is vital.

The global climate Change conference will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow.

The key asks for the Solomon Islands going to COP26 are as follows:

1. The Paris Agreement Rule Book must be completed by COP 26. The postponement of COP26 from December 2020 to December 2021 due to the covid 19 situation has already delayed finalisation and implementation of the Rule Book. Outstanding issues pertaining to the completion of the Rule Book need to be addressed and completed during COP26.

2. Specifically on Mitigation and National Determined Contributions (NDCs): Parties, especially high Greenhouse gas emitting countries need to submit their NDCs by the end of 2021 as already agreed upon. Solomon Islands already has a draft revised NDC and will submit before the end of 2021. Agreement on the “Common Time Frame” to submit NDCs needs to be finalised by COP26. Solomon Islands position is to have a “5 plus 5” time frame (every 5 years, countries communicate two consecutive NDCs at the same time –one is an update, and the other is a new NDC for the period starting in five years’ time). This is the same position for most Pacific SIDS.

3. Specifically on Market and Non-Market Approaches: Negotiation on these important mechanisms need to be completed by COP26. It’s always been the key position of Solomon Islands that credits under the Kyoto Mechanisms (e.g CDM) should not be brought forward under these new mechanisms. This will result not only in double counting but more importantly, delay in reaching the Overall Mitigation in Global Emission (OMGE). Solomon Islands will push for: i) no double counting; ii) higher percentage in OMGE and Share of Proceeds (SOP); and iii) ensure protection of Environmental Integrity.

4. Specifically on Adaptation: Work on the Adaptation needs to be progressed and completed. Solomon Islands has always advocate that the Adaptation Fund should serve the Paris Agreement. This has now been agreed upon but for it to operationalized, share of proceeds from the market mechanisms in point 3 above needs to start soon. Hence, the importance of finalising the market mechanisms by COP26. Preparation and implementation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) needs to be supported. Equal financial support needs to be given to adaptation just like mitigation.

5. Specifically on Climate Finance: Decision on Long Term Finance needs to be reached by COP26.

6. Specifically on Loss & Damage (L&D): Decision must be reached on the governance of the WIM (Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss & Damage). Concurrently, on the ground work on L&D should continue. For e.g. highlighting priority areas for slow onset events and non-economic losses on the international stage. Incorporate “limits to adaptation” (L&D) in National Adaptation Plans and other GCF proposals.

7. The COP to welcome the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports and other authoritative scientific reports on climate change from recognised global bodies.

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