Solomon Islands MPs “childish and immature”: community leaders


Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

Community leaders in Malaita have labelled the actions of MPs destabilising the Government as “immature” and have called on them to get on with running the country.

It comes as a wave of comments on social media have urged MPs to stop meddling in politics and concentrate on respresenting them, ahead of the no-confidence vote on the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

Reports this morning suggested the Prime Minister’s future was on a knife’s edge, with MPs still bunkering down at the Honiara Hotel ahead of the vote.,

Reporting from Malaita, SIBC stringer John Kiri said leaders in wards seven and eight of North Malaita were questioning why Members of Parliament wanted to move a motion of no confidence when the national general election was near.

Mr Kiri said more than 1oo community representatives were calling on MPs to stop the practice of switching sides and instead listen to the country’s citizens.

“The leaders here are describing it as immature,” he said. “It’s all about destabilizing the Government and they should just get on with running the country.”

Meanwhile, another concerned North Malaitan man from Lau Baelelea, Jessie Bobby, also labelled the move by MPs to cross the floor of Parliament as ‘childish’.

Mr Bobby said the people of Lau Baelelea were happy that their MP, Augustine Auga, did not join the Opposition.

He said Mr Auga’s decision represents the voice of his people.

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