John Kerry second Secretary of State Portrait. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

John Kerry second Secretary of State Portrait. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo says Solomon Islands welcomes the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit as the country faces various global challenges.

Mr Lilo made this statement last Friday upon his return from a four-legged tour to Cuba, Palau, Taiwan and Indonesia.

He says, Kerry’s visit is interesting as Small Island Nations are now facing increasing challenges needing the world’s effective cooperation and partnership.

“We are in a situation where the changing global situation is so interesting. There are crisis everywhere in the world and it is our firm belief as Small Island Nations faced with the increasing challenges of pandemics in climate change that we need to continue to seek the world that desired to see effective cooperation in partnership. That is the foreign policy that we desire, we are seeking a world of cooperation in partnership where mutual respect, peace and stability and the democratic values must be at the forefront of our connections.”

SIBC News understands, the US Secretary of State will arrive on 13 August for a series of meetings with government leaders.

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