Solomon Ports to present Tandai House of Chiefs matter in board meeting


Solomon Ports will present the Tandai House of Chiefs proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) matter to its board for deliberation.
In a statement to SIBC News Solomon Ports Chief Executive Officer Eranda Kotelawala said the State-owned Enterprise (SOE) respects the customary rights and claims of the Tandai House of Chiefs.

Solomon Ports Chief Executive Officer Eranda Kotelawala. Photo Supplied

“However, we are governed by SOE Regulations, in which the management will present this matter to the board for deliberation,” Mr Kotelawala said.
The statement said once an update is reached, the board will then present it to the Tandai House of Chiefs.
SIBC News understood that the Solomon Ports Authority board of directors meeting will be held next month.
The Tandai House of Chiefs on Sunday August 22, met and agreed that all companies and businesses operating along Honiara’s seafront must sign an MOU with them to develop the seafront.
They met with the executive staff members of Solomon Ports last Monday to push a way forward for the MOU.
Tandai House of Chiefs General Secretary Daniel Donua said the MOU will be between the Tandai House of Chiefs, on behalf of the Tandai native people, SIPA, Guadalcanal Provincial Government and National Government.
“This will be an understanding of partnership with the state-owned enterprise, so that SIPA can have some recognition for the native people on the use of seafronts,” Mr Donua said.
He said there was no such recognition since 1975 and an MOU will pave a way forward for SIPA to have an understanding with the native people as the customary owners of Honiara’s foreshore.
“We want every companies and business houses operating within the Honiara seafront to comply with us on the proposed MOU,” Donua said.
He added although these companies are under some form of lease arrangements, these agreements were not recognised by the Tandai native people.

by Jared Koli

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