Cabinet has approved a task force to deal with issues surrounding the tailings dam at the Gold Ridge Mine site in Central Guadalcanal.
The Government has also allocated $4 million towards the work of the task force and has second opinions from international experts on the work of the task force.
Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification Samson Maneka revealed in parliament yesterday the funds were allocated to support the task force in its work regarding the tailings dam at Gold Ridge mine site.
“The $4 million allocation from SIG is a support fund for the task force in its consultations and engagement of international experts to provide second opinion on the recommendations of the task force. At the moment we have a few Permanent Secretaries and Special Secretary to the Prime Minister dealing with the tailings dam issue and at the moment the Cabinet has approved the establishment of the task force to deal with this issue. Hence, the funds are available for the task force to deal with issues concerning the tailings dam. Thank you Chair.”
MP for Maringe Kokota, Dr Calwick Togamana raised a question concerning the allocation during committee of supply deliberations on the budget in Parliament yesterday.
Parliament also passed the budget yesterday.