Former Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: Robert Iroga.

                                                    Former Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: Robert Iroga.

Former Prime Minister and an Economist by profession, Gordon Darcy Lilo say the tax exemption of MP’s salaries and other entitlements should have been applied more appropriately if the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission (PEC) saw its importance.

In an exclusive interview with SIBC News, Mr. Lilo said the current controversy would have been avoided if the Commission consider the guidelines provided under the Income Tax Act.

“If they consider it to be better to grant some form of an exemption then better guidelines are provided under the Act of Parliament which is the Income Tax Act. Make that regulation in a more equitable way, look at the various forms of exemptions, circumstances of exemptions under the Income Tax Act and follow that to make the regulation fairer and equitable to everyone. If they do it in that way the kind of controversy that is going on right now would have been avoided.”

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