Education logo. Photo credit: SIBC.

Education logo. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development has acknowledged participants of the two days National Teachers Education Conference which ends successfully in Honiara today.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Developing Competent, Committed and Professional Teachers for Solomon Islands”.

Speaking to SIBC News today, Supervising Director of Teacher Training and Development under the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development Charles Roukera said Ministry of Education organising committee highly appreciates positive response from all participants including all relevant stakeholders.

Mr Roukera adds, the Ministry also appreciate valuable contributions from all participants as this show they clearly understand the importance of the conference.

“The organising committee and the Ministry of Education have really appreciated those who responded to our invitation who saw the importance of this conference so we did have a good turn out and we also really appreciated the valuable contributions made during the conference as of yesterday and today.”

The conference is being attended by local education authorities, teachers with resource people from the University of Goroka, Solomon Islands National University and the University of the South Pacific.

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