Landowning groups of the Gold Ridge Mine are demanding the termination of the Fiji Security firm engaged to secure operations at the mine site.
Spokesperson for Gold Ridge People’s Power Group, Ribson Nunua says, security contracts for Gold Ridge Mine should be localized – adding, this is a decision from a meeting held at Matoba, Central Guadalcanal on Thursday.
Mr Nunua says, huge payments for overseas security firms must be redirected to local security firms and assist to build schools, clinics, church, infrastructure for resettled landowners.
He explains, landowners are not against the return of the St. Babara company, but they want the Fijian security officers arrangement to cease.
He adds Fijian securities were initially taken to train local security officers in 2006 but Fijian security officers are still here, 10 years after the training.
He says a follow up meeting on this demand for every landowning tribes will be held tomorrow.
SIBC News could not reach the Gold Ridge Management to comment on this issue.
Meanwhile, the Gold Ridge People’s Power Group spokesperson also claimed the incident happened last week when Fijian security officers at Gold Ridge ill-treated officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
Ribson Nunua adds, this action is unacceptable as the Royal Solomon Islands Force is the country’s constitutional security body.