The roadworks around Honiara’s Central Market are almost done . . . almost


The roadworks around Central Honiara have almost finished

It is a question asked often in Honiara over the past few months: when are they finishing the roadworks around Central Market?

The answer is Tuesday.

After months and months of work in the area, it was revealed today the pedestrian underpass and new bus bays near Central Market are set to open after the official ceremony next week.

And authorities are urging pedestrians to use the newly-created underpass below Mendana Avenue and not climb over the new fence dividing the road.

It is hoped the fence will stop pedestrians walking out in front of cars, in turn contributing to the traffic jams that hit Honiara daily.

Men working on the road across from the Central Market in March.

The newly created underpass will be open from 6am to 7pm everyday.

Authorities are also urging drivers not to park in the newly created bus bays or the left turn lane near the market, or outside the market itself, in order to help keep the traffic in the area flowing.

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