The Tulagi Hospital in Central Islands Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Tulagi Hospital in Central Islands Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Tulagi Hospital in Central Islands Province is currently operating without a doctor.

Assistant Nursing Director John Watemae told SIBC News the hospital has been without a doctor since the beginning of this year.

Mr. Watemae says the hospital’s major need now is to have its own doctor.

“We need it very much, a doctor to stay here and oversee the patients because most of the admissions here are looked after by us the nurses. Then we look after them here until such a time that we see a need for the referral then we send them over. Whereas if there is a surgeon in the hospital, because the hospital is for the province, a doctor should be here.”

He adds, a lot of funds were spent on referrals to Honiara especially serious cases.

“I think we have spent much on referrals because most cases could have been dealt with by a doctor if he or she is available and there would be no need for a referral. But since there is no one so cases which are beyond our capability would be sent over. So in fact, most money is for transport because we use canoes and boats. Sometimes we use the Silent World vessels.”

The Assistant Nursing Director said they have sent a request to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services for a doctor.

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