The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

Impacts of Urbanization is a key issue the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force needs to address in Solomon Islands.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast made the statement during a breakfast meeting hosted by the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the Heritage Park Hotel this morning.

Commissioner Prendergast said, addressing the impacts of urbanisation among young people is a key issues for the police force.

Meanwhile, the Police Commissioner says civil societies and communities can address youth impacts for good development opportunities.

The Police Commissioner also assured business houses the Royal Solomon Islands Police is in good shape to provide security during next month’s general election.

Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast made the assurance during the breakfast meeting which was attended by over twenty business houses and individuals at the Heritage Park Hotel this morning.

He told participants, the police will have full support from the Correctional Services and the Participating Police Force to ensure a peaceful election next month.

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