A nursery site at the GPPOL area in North Guadalcanal. Photo credit: SIBC.

A nursery site at the GPPOL area in North Guadalcanal. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Western Provincial Government will soon sign a partnership agreement with palm oil out growers for the development of palm oil plantations in the province.

The partnership agreement is to ensure out growers and resource owners support the provincial government’s commitment to developing palm oil rehabilitation in the province.

Speaking to SIBC News, Chair of the Western Provincial Government Palm Oil Committee, Michael Aquilla said the partnership signing will take place soon.

Mr Aquillah said this is to assure resource owners on technical and financial assistance from the provincial government to revive palm oil production.

“We made them a partnership that they will recognise that the Provincial Government will initiate the oil palm development.

After this, we will revisit them to sign that partnership agreement with them and from there the province will then provide them with technical and financial assistance to rehabilitate the plantation as Western Province has previously planted oil palm.”

SIBC News understands, a memorandum of understanding was signed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the Western Provincial Government in Honiara yesterday.

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